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Rabah Belamri


Rabah Belamri was born in Bougaâ in 1945. He lost his sight in 1962. After studying at the school for the blind in Algeria, he went to France, where he took a doctorate and became a French national. He wrote poetry, novels, essays and short stories. He died in 1995, following surgery.

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Rabah Belamri (in French)
Rabah Belamri ressuscité (in French)
Rabah Belamri (in French)
Rabah Belamri (in French)
Rabah Belamri ou la sérénité de la mémoire (in French)
Rabah Belamri, l’ecrivain qui voit avec le coeur (in French)
Un hommage appuyé à l’écrivain Rabah Belamri (in French)


1980 L’œuvre de Louis Bertrand, miroir de l’idéologie colonialiste (literature)
1982 Les Graines de la douleur (stories)
1982 La Rose rouge (stories)
1982 Le Soleil sous le tamis [The Sun Under the Screen] (novel)
1983 Chemin de brûlure (poetry)
1985 Le Galet et l’hirondelle (poetry)
1986 L’Oiseau du grenadier (stories)
1986 Proverbes et dictons algériens (proverbs and sayings)
1987 Regard blessé (Shattered Vision) (novel)
1989 Jean Sénac: entre désir et douleur (essay)
1989 L’Olivier boit son ombre (poetry)
1989 L’Asile de pierre (novel)
1991 L’Âne de Djeha (story)
1992 Femmes sans visage (novel)
1993 Pierres d’équilibre (poetry)
1994 Mémoire en archipel (stories)
1996 Chronique du temps de l’innocence (novel)
1998 Corps seul (poetry)