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Georgi Vladimov


Georgi Vladimov (real name Volosevich) was born in Kharkiv in 1931. His parents were teachers but divorced when he was young and he was brought up by his mother. He graduated in law from Leningrad University. He worked as a literary critic and editor, before writing Верный Руслан (Faithful Ruslan). As this work was rejected for publication in the Soviet Union, he had it published in Germany. As he was threatened with litigation, he emigrated to Germany in 1983. He briefly edited the magazine Facets but was dismissed for not following the line of the journal’s owner. Генерал и его армия [The General and His Army] won the Russian Booker in 1975 and Vladimov was given his Russia citizenship back in 2000 but he spent most of his time in Germany, where he died in 2003.

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Georgi Vladimov
Владимов, Георгий Николаевич (in Russian)
Владимов, Георгий Николаевич (in Russian)


1961 Большая руда
1969 Три минуты молчания (Three Minutes’ Silence)
1983 Не обращайте вниманья, маэстро рассказ для Генриха Бёлля
1975 Верный Руслан (Faithful Ruslan)
1994 Генерал и его армия [The General and His Army]
2005 Долог путь до Типперэри
2005 Бремя свободы литературная критика, публицистика