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Bogdan Suceavă
Bogdan Suceavă was born in Curtea de Argeș in 1969. As he spent much time with his grandparents in a remote community, he got to know many Balkan folk-tales and myths, which influenced his work. He took a Masters in mathematics from the University of Bucharest and a doctorate from Michigan State University. He has since worked at California State University, Fullerton, where he is now a professor of mathematics. He took up writing in 1990 and has published novels, poetry, essays and stories.
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1990 Teama de amurg (stories/essays)
1992 Sub semnul Orionului (novel)
1995 Legende și eresuri (poetry)
2002 Imperiul generalilor târzii și alte istorii (stories)
2004 Venea din timpul diez (Coming from an Off-Key Time) (novel)
2005 Bătălii și mesagii (poetry)
2007 Miruna, o poveste (Miruna, A Tale) (novel)
2007 Distanțe, demoni, aventurit (essays)
2008 Vincent nemuritorul (novel)
2010 Noaptea când cineva a murit pentru tine (novel)
2013 Memorii din biblioteca ideală (essays)
2013 Să auzi forma unei tobe (stories)
2015 Scrisori de la Polul Est(essays)
2016 Republica (novel)
2017 Istoria lacunelor. Despre manuscrise pierdute (essay)
2018 Avalon. Istoria emigranților fericiți (novel)
2019 Vincent nemuritorul (novel)