Michele Prisco
Michele Prisco was born in 1920, the youngest of eleven children, in Torre Annunziata, a town at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. His father was a lawyer. He graduated from the University of Naples in law and published his first story the same year. After his military service, he continued to write stories as well as other articles for the press. He published his first collection of stories in 1949 and it won the Strega Prize. His first novel – Gli eredi del vento (Heirs of the Wind) – was published the following year. The year after, he married and moved to Naples where he spent the rest of his life. He continued to be involved with various newspapers and magazines. In particular, he published an article in the first issue of the Naples magazine, Le ragioni narrative, in which he condemned the French nouveau roman and praised more traditional writers. His novels have followed this line, often dealing with the decline in morals post-war as well as people struggling with their own personal issues. He died in 2003.
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Michele Prisco
Michele Prisco (in Italian)
1949 La provincia addormentata: Racconti
1950 Gli eredi del vento (Heirs of the Wind)
1954 Figli difficili
1957 Fuochi a mare
1961 La dama di piazza
1961 Punto franco
1966 Una spirale di nebbia (A Spiral of Mist)
1970 Inventario della memoria
1970 I cieli della sera
1975 Gli ermellini neri
1977 Il colore del cristallo
1981 Le parole del silenzio
1983 Il romanzo italiano contemporaneo
1984 Lo specchio cieco
1986 Ritratti incompiuti
1989 I giorni della conchiglia
1992 Terre basse: 25 racconti
1995 Il cuore della vita
1996 Il pellicano di pietra
1998 Una vita per il romanzo
1999 Gli altri
2003 La pietra bianca: quattro racconti inediti
2004 Raffaello (Raphael)
2005 La provincia addormentata con un racconto inedito