Giuseppe Conte
Giuseppe Conte was born in Porto Maurizio in 1945. His father was an army officer. After spending time in England and Paris, he went to the State University at Milan, where he studied literature. After university he became a teacher but was also involved in various literary magazines. His first published work was a literary work on poetry but he was soon writing poetry and then novels. His first novel was heavily criticised though received favourable reviews from both Michele Prisco and Italo Calvino. He took up a position as poetry editor for Guanda, the Italian poetry publisher and gave up teaching as a result. His later novels started having some success and won awards. He continued to publish novels, poetry and essays. None of his novels has been published in English.
Giuseppe Conte
Giuseppe Conte (in Italian)
Biografia di Giuseppe Conte (in Italian)
Interview (in Italian)
1972 La metafora barocca (literature)
1975 Il processo di comunicazione secondo Sade (poetry)
1979 L’ultimo aprile bianco (poetry)
1980 Primavera incendiata (novel)
1983 L’Oceano e il Ragazzo (The Ocean and the Boy) (poetry)
1987 Il giardino di Merope (poetry)
1987 Equinozio d’autunno (novel)
1988 Le stagioni (The Seasons) (poetry)
1989 Le manuscript de Saint-Nazaire (fable, diary)
1990 I giorni della nuvola [The Days of the Cloud] (novel)
1991 Terre del mito (travel/myth)
1992 Dialogo del poeta e del messaggero (essays)
1993 Fedeli d’amore (novel)
1995 L’impero e l’incanto (literature)
1995 Manuale di poesia (literature)
1997 Il ragazzo che parla col sole (novel)
1997 Canti d’Oriente e d’Occidente (poetry)
1999 Il sonno degli dei (mythology)
1999 Il passaggio di Ermes (mythology)
2000 Ungaretti fa l’amore (theatre monologue)
2001 I nuovi canti (poetry)
2002 Nausicaa (poetry)
2003 Il Terzo Ufficiale (novel)
2005 La casa delle onde (novel)
2006 Ferite e rifioriture (poetry)
2006 Lettera ai disperati sulla primavera (essays)
2008 L’adultera (novel)
2010 Viaggio sentimentale in Liguria (travel)
2011 Personaggi dei romanzi futuri (Angelina’s Lips) (novel)
2013 Il male veniva dal mare (novel)