Home » Italy » Alessandro Baricco

Alessandro Baricco


Baricco is best known in the English-speaking world for his charming story – it is under 100 pages – Setà in Italian and Silk in English. He was born in Turin in 1958. He took a degree in philosophy and then started his career as a music critic for the Italian newspaper La Repubblica and then worked as a cultural critic for La Stampa. He produced two interesting programmes for Italian television – one on opera and one on literature. He has written novels, stories, essays newspaper articles, plays and a film script. He has also directed a film. He co-founded the Holden School, specialising in narrative and named after Salinger‘s hero, Holden Caulfield. Critical response to his writing has been decidedly mixed.


Alessandro Baricco
Alessandro Baricco (in Italian)
Alessandro Baricco (in Italian)
Alessandro Baricco (in Italian)


1988 Il genio in fuga: due saggi sul teatro musicale di Gioachino Rossini (essays)
1991 Castelli di rabbia (Lands of Glass) (novel)
1992 L’anima di Hegel e le mucche del Wisconsin (essays)
1993 Oceano mare (Ocean Sea) (novel)
1994 Novecento [Novecento] (novel)
1995 Barnum. Cronache dal Grande Show (articles)
1996 Setà (Silk) (novel)
1997 Lo zibaldino: storie assortite vecchie e nuove
1998 Barnum 2: altre cronache del grande show (articles)
1999 City (City) (novel)
1999 Constellations (Mozart, Rossini, Benjamin, Adorno) (novel)
2002 Next. Piccolo libro sulla globalizzazione e il mondo che verrà (articles)
2002 Senza sangue (Without Blood) (novel)
2003 Partita spagnola (screenplay)
2005 Questa storia (novel)
2006 I Barbari (The Barbarians: An Essay on the Mutation of Culture) (essays)
2007 Castelli di rabbia (novel)
2009 Emmaus (Emmaus) (novel)
2010 Don Giovanni (The Story of Don Juan) novel)
2011 Mr Gwyn (Mr Gwyn)(novel)
2012 Tre volte all’alba (Three Times at Dawn) (novel)
2012 Una certa idea di mondo (essays)
2014 Smith & Wesson (novel)
2014 Palladium Lectures (lectures)
2015 La Sposa giovane (The Young Bride) (novel)
2016 Il nuovo Barnum (novel)
2018 I corpo
2018 La seconda luna
2020 The game. Storie del mondo digitale per ragazzi avventurosi
2020 Il mondo che sarà : il futuro dopo il virus
2021 Quel che stavamo cercando. : 33 frammenti
12022 La via della narrazione
2023 Abel