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Guram Odisharia


Guram Odisharia was born in1951 inSukhumi. He graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Pedagogical Institute of Sukhumi. He worked as a radio and print journalist for various organisations. He became a magazine editor and director of a publishing house. He later became a member of parliament and Minister of Culture and Monuments. He has written poems, short stories, novels and journalism, including stories about the Abkhaz War.

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Guram Odisharia
Guram Odisharia
Guram Odisharia
Guram Odisharia


()nly books translated into English)

1993 დევნილთა უღელტეხილი (The Pass of the Persecuted) (stories)
2008 პრეზიდენტის კატა (The President’s Cat) (novel)
2009 სათვალიანი ბომბი Cyclops Bomb) (novel)