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Stefan Andres
Stefan Andres was born in 1906 in Breitwies, near Trier. His father was a mill owner. The family later moved to Schweich when a dam prevented them from using the mill. Andres’ father was opposed to World War I and, after hearing Pope Benedict calling for peace, he became a Catholic. Andres was educated at various Catholic monasteries, before entering a Franciscan monastery in 1926. He realised that this was not for him and left two years later to study literature at the University of Cologne. At this time, he started work on his first novel, which was published in 1933. He later switched to the University of Jena, where he met and later married Dorothee Freudiger. They switched to the University of Berlin, where they saw at first hand the rise of the Nazis. As his wife’s family were Jewish, Andres and the family left first for Positano, Italy and then Paris but then returned to Italy. However, his books were still being published in Germany, albeit illegally. He stayed in Positano till 1949, returning to Germany in that year. However, he was disappointed with the way Germany was going and returned to Italy in 1961. He died in Rome in 1970. While Andres had and still has a strong reputation in Germany, he is little known outside Germany. Very few of his works have been translated into English and those that have are out of print.
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Stefan Andres
Stefan Andres (in German)
Stefan Andres (in German)
Stefan Andres (in German)
Stefan-Andres-Gesellschaft (in German)
Obituary (in German)
1927 Das Märchen im Liebfrauendom (stories)
1929 Das Heilige Heimweh (novel)
1933 Bruder Luzifer (novel)
1933 Die Löwenkanzel (poetry)
1933 Eberhard im Kontrapunkt (novel)
1934 Die unsichtbare Mauer (novel)
1936 Der ewige Strom. Oratorium (oratorio)
1936 El Greco malt den Großinquisitor (El Greco Paints the Grand Inquisitor) (novella)
1936 Utz, der Nachfahr (novella)
1936 Vom heiligen Pfäfflein Domenico (story)
1937 Moselländische Novellen (stories)
1938 Schwarze Strahlen (drama)
1939 Der Mann von Asteri (novel)
1940 Das Grab des Neides (stories)
1942 Wir sind Utopia (UK: We Are Utopia; US: We are God’s Utopia) (novella)
1943 Das goldene Gitter (story)
1943 Der gefrorene Dionysos (story)
1943 Italiener (later: Umgang mit Italienern) (travel)
1943 Wirtshaus zur weiten Welt (stories)
1946 Die Söhne Platons (later: Die Touristen) (drama)
1946 Ein Herz, wie man’s braucht (drama)
1947 Die Hochzeit der Feinde (novel)
1948 Requiem für ein Kind (poetry)
1948 Ritter der Gerechtigkeit (novel)
1948 Tanz durchs Labyrinth (drama)
1949 Das Tier aus der Tiefe (novel)
1949 Gottes Utopia (drama)
1950 Der Granatapfel (poetry)
1950 Die Häuser auf der Wolke (stories)
1951 Das Antlitz (story)
1951 Die Arche (novel)
1951 Main Nahe(zu) Rhein Ahrisches Saar Pfalz Mosel Lahnisches Weinpilgerbuch (wine)
1952 Der Reporter Gottes (radio drama)
1953 Der Knabe im Brunnen (novel)
1953 Die Rache der Schmetterlinge. (story)
1954 Die Reise nach Portiuncula (novel)
1956 Wann kommen die Götter? (drama)
1957 Positano. Geschichten aus einer Stadt am Meer (stories)
1957 Sperrzonen (drama)
1958 Toleranz. Die Brücke zwischen Wahrheit und Freiheit (essay)
1959 Der graue Regenbogen (novel)
1959 Sperrzonen (radio drama)
1960 Die großen Weine Deutschlands (wine)
1960 Die Verteidigung der Xanthippe. Zwölf Geschichten (stories)
1960 Nie wieder Hiroshima (essay)
1960 Vom Abenteuer der Freude (choral work)
1962 Novellen und Erzählungen (stories)
1963 Der Mann im Fisch (novel)
1964 Das goldene Gitter. Novellen und Erzählungen II. (stories)
1965 Die biblische Geschichte (The Bible Story) (stories)
1966 Der 20. Juli. Tat und Testament. (essay)
1966 Der Taubenturm (novel)
1966 Gedichte (poetry)
1967 Ägyptisches Tagebuch (travel)
1968 Die Mosel (travel)
1968 Noah und seine Kinder (stories)
1969 Die Dumme (novel)
1971 Die Versuchung des Synesios (novel)
1973 Die große Lüge. Erzählungen (stories)
1974 Der Dichter in dieser Zeit. Reden und Aufsätze (essays)