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Uwe Tellkamp


Uwe Tellkamp was born in 1968 in Dresden. His father was a doctor. He served in the army as a tank commander. He was arrested in 1989 for refusing to arrest a group of Dresden citizens, known as the Gruppe der [Group of 20]but was released after two weeks. He did various menial jobs, before resuming his medical studies. He worked as a doctor in Munich before becoming a full-time writer. He has published poetry, stories and novels.

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Uwe Tellkamp
Uwe Tellkamp (in German)
Uwe Tellkamp (in German)
Bei Uwe Tellkamp ticken die Uhren der DDR nochp (in German)
Interview (in German)
Interview (in German)
Interview (in German)
Interview (in German)
Interview (in German)


2000 Der Hecht, die Träume und das Portugiesische Café (novel)
2005 Der Eisvogel [The Kingfisher] (novel)
2008 Der Turm (The Tower) (novel)
2009 Die Sandwirtschaft : Anmerkungen zu Schrift und Zeit : Leipziger Poetikvorlesung (poetry/stories)
2009 Reise zur blauen Stadt (poetry)
2010 Die Schwebebahn: Dresdner Erkundungen (novel)
2010 Die Uhr (essay)
2017 Die Carus-Sachen (story)
2022 Der Schlaf in den Uhren (novel)