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Hwang Sok-yong


Hwang Sok-yong was born in Hsinking (now Changchun), Manchukuo during the Japanese occupation. His family returned to Korea after liberation in 1945. He took a B.A. in philosophy from Dongguk University. In 1964 he was jailed for political reasons. In 1966 he joined the Republic of Korea Marines, which fought for the US during the Vietnam War. He was critical of the Vietnam War. His first story was based on his experiences in the Vietnam War. It won an award and his writing career was launched. His first novel, published in 1970 (not translated into English) was about families split up as a result of the partition of Korea.

He became more politically committed, taking part in the Gwangju Uprising and was involved in other political activities against the Park dictatorship. He decided to go into exile, to the United States and Germany, returning to Korea only in 1993. He was imprisoned on his return, as it was assumed he was the author of Kwangju Diary: Beyond Death, Beyond the Darkness of Age. He was pardoned when Kim Dae-jung became president. He has continued to publish novels, stories and non-fiction. Many of his novels have been translated into English and other European languages,

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Hwang Sok-yong
Hwang Sok-yong
Hwang Sok-yong
On My Twentieth-Century Trilogy


(Only works translated into English)

1983 삼포 가는 길 (Road to Sampo) (stories)
1985 무기의 그늘 (The Shadow of Arms) (novel)
2001 손님 (The Guest) (novel)
2000 오래된 정원 (The Old Garden) (novel)
2007 바리데기 (Princess Bari) (novel)
2011 낯익은 세상 (Familiar Things) (novel)
2015 해질무렵 (At Dusk) (novel)
2017 The Prisoner(memoir)