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Xavier Benguerel


Xavier Benguerel was born in the Poblenou district of Barcelona in 1905. He had a Christian upbringing, which influenced, to a certain extent, his later work. He later went to the Écoles Françaises , where he learnt French. He subsequently translated French works into Catalan. His first story was published when he was fifteen. He was on the Republican side during the Civil War and went into exile after the war ended, first to France and then to Chile. He returned to Catalonia in 1954 where he co-founded, with Joan Sales, the El club dels Novel.listes which published works by various Catalan authors, including his own. He died in 1990. He wrote novels, stories, plays and poetry. His son is the composer Xavier Benguerel. His works have not been published in English.

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Xavier Benguerel
Xavier Benguerel (in Spanish)
Xavier Benguerel (in Catalan)
Xavier Benguerel (in Catalan)
Xavier Benguerel (in Catalan)


1929 Pàgines d’un adolescent (novel)
1930 La vida d’Olga (novel)
1934 El teu secret (novel)
1934 Poemes (poetry)
1936 Suburbi (novel)
1937 L’home i el seu àngel (story)
1937 El Casament de la Xela : comèdia en tres actes (drama)
1939 Sense retorn (story)
1942 Fira de desenganys (story)
1947 La màscara : tres contes (stories)
1951 L’home dins el mirall (novel)
1953 La família Rouquier (novel)
1955 El desaparegut (story)
1955 El testament (novel)
1956 Els fugitius (later: Els vençuts) (novel)
1957 El viatge (novel)
1957 Sóc un assassí (novel)
1960 L’intrús (novel)
1960El testament : comèdia dramàtica en tres actes, amb un pròleg, un entreacte i un epíleg (drama)
1964 El pobre senyor Font (novel)
1967 Gorra de plat Els vençuts (1969) (novel)
1967 La prova del foc (novel)
1971 Memòries. 1905-1940 (memoirs)
1973 1939 (novel)
1974 Icària, Icària (novel)
1978 Sempre és demà (novel)
1982 Memòria d’un exil. Xile 1940-1952
1987 Aniversari (poetry)
1988 I tu qui ets? (novel)