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Chico Buarque


Chico Buarque was born in 1944 in Rio de Janeiro. He is best-known as a musician, playing music which, like his writing, often has a political message. His father was a historian and his mother a pianist, while his uncle was a famous lexicographer. He studied architecture at the University of São Paulo. He started composing and singing and soon had success in Brazil. He also appeared in a film. However, his increasing political activities against the Brazilian regime caused him problems and, in 1969, he went into exile in Italy but returned to Brazil the following year. It was not till the 90s that he started writing novels, which had considerable success both in Brazil and abroad.

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Chico Buarque
His homepage (in Portuguese)
Chico Buarque (in Portuguese)


1966 A Banda (songbook)
1968 Roda-viva (musical comedy)
1973 Calabar o elogio da traição (drama – with Ruy Guerra)
1974 Fazenda Modelo (novel)
1975 Gota d’água (drama – with Paulo Pontes)
1978 Opera do malandro (opera)
1979 Chapeuzinho Amarelo (children’s)
1981 À Bordo do Rui Barbosa (poetry – with Vallandro Keating)
1985 O Corsério do rei (drama – with Augusto Boal and Edu Lôbo)
1991 Estorvo (Turbulence) (novel)
1995 Benjamin (Benjamin) (novel)
2003 Budapeste (Budapest) (novel)
2009 Leite Derramado (Spilt Milk) (novel)
2014 O Irmão Alemão (My German Brother) (novel)
2019 Essa gente (novel)