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Hiromi Kawakami


Hiromi Kawakami was born in Tokyo in 1958. She studied biology at Ochanomizu Women’s College, while writing science fiction stories. She soon won awards for these and then went on to write novels. She also writes essays and literary criticism.

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Hiromi Kawakami
Hiromi Kawakami (podcast)
Mogera Wogura (story by Kawakami)
The God of Bears (story by Kawakami)
Blue Moon (story by Kawakami)
The Moon and the Batteries (story by Kawakami)
God Bless You, 2011 (story by Kawakami, the old version and the new, post- Fukushima version)


(Only works translated into English)

2001 先生の鞄 (US: The Briefcase; UK: Strange Weather in Tokyo)
2002 パレード (Parade)
2002 龍宮 (Dragon Palace) (stories)
2003 ニシノユキヒコの恋と冒険 (UK: The Ten Loves of Mr Nishino; US: The Ten Loves of Nishino)
2005 古道具中野商店 (Nakano Thrift Shop)
2006 真鶴 (Manazuru)2016 大きな鳥にさらわれな (Under the Eye of the Big Bird) (novel)
2017 Record of a Night Too Brief (stories)
2019 このあたりの人たち (People from my Neighbourhood) (stories)
2020 三度目The (Third Love)